Torque in red
2020, stone paper and ink, 50 x 70 cm
Theme: The process of energy extraction with color compact.

Light frame
2019, paper umd ink, 50 x 70 cm
The view of the viewer depends on where he is standing.

Light sculpture, moved back and forth
2019, stone paper printing ink and acrylic paint
50 x 70 cm,
Changes in the visual axis. First the view was here and behind the wall showed a new perspective, that of the shadow side.

Back and forth
2019, paper, ink, watercolor and wax, 42 x 98 cm, 3x DINA 3,
What effect gets the color and form by changing from front to back view. Which strengths prevail? These three have found each other.

Electric currents with red
2019, stone paper and ink, 50 x 70 cm
How to see probably overlapping electric currents?

Electric currents
2019, stone paper and ink, 50 x 70 cm
How to see probably electric currents?

Manpower with Kladderadatsch
The machine appears as a man and people become part of the great machine. The shape of several stator sheets. These become the rising sun and at the same time the setting moon. The day's work would be accomplished and exists from now on in an endless loop. 2021, each
H 33 cm x W 27 cm